Curriculum vitae
- 1994–2001 Law school in Freiburg and at the Humboldt University in Berlin; research associate with Prof. Rainer Schröder
- 1998–2003 Independent programmer, development of open-source and commercial software in C++
- 2003–2006 Lawyer with the firm of Prof. Dr. Johannes Weberling (specialized in German media and copyright law)
- 2004 Completion of doctoral dissertation “Die Unübertragbarkeit des Urheberrechts in Deutschland” (The non-transferability of copyright in German law)
- 2006 Founding of own law firm
- 2008 Moving of the firm to Märkisches Ufer in Berlin
- Deutscher Anwaltverein (DAV)
- AFS Interkulturelle Begegnungen e. V.